Get the best result in your Medico-Legal case

Medical-legal cases are often complex and take a great deal of preparation and experience in navigating the process. The referring party (lawyer, claims manager, HR manager) needs to be across a vast amount of information that needs reviewing and compiling; including – but not limited to – employment, medical, educational records and reports. 

Depending on the type of claim or matter, an independent medico-legal report may be requested by a lawyer, an insurer, a Court or Tribunal, or a government agency to be used as reliable evidence when making decisions. 

It is for this reason and many more that Red Health delivers a quality assured service by providing the necessary care and attention to ensure the best outcome.

The vital function of medico-legal reports 

Obtaining a reliable and evidence-based medico-legal report will – in most cases – be the driving force behind whether you get the best results in your specific circumstances. Procuring a strong and accurate medico-legal report can be one of the first challenges to overcome in getting the best results on a medico-legal case. 

A medico-legal report will be compiled following an Independent Medical Examination. A quality medico-legal report should contain any and all medical facts pertaining to the client’s injury and the circumstances connected to the injury’s occurrence with no omissions; including 

  • historical context in chronological order
  • details of the medical investigations, diagnosis and treatment 
  • current patient/injury status
  • treating practitioner’s recommendations
  • verifiable information

This process includes the review of the report by both the medical expert who conducted the independent medical assessment and our experienced team members.

The report that is issued to the referring client will become a key legal document that supports decisions being made during the relevant process. In some cases, the report along with the medical expert may be subject to scrutiny in Court or Tribunal proceedings. 

Reasons medico-legal claims get delayed

Obtaining a timely medico-legal report

The medico-legal report needs to be prepared in a reasonable timeframe so that the representing party has time to review and absorb the report before taking next steps. Adequate preparation time reduces the potential for any delays.

Obtaining a qualified Medico-legal opinion

If you aren’t using a medico-legal service, sourcing an experienced specialist can be difficult and time-consuming. Medico-legal is a specialist service area including the medical practitioners who provide Independent Medical Assessments and Red Health is networked with over 200 reputable experts. 

Obtaining other medical records

A person’s consent is required to release medical records. GPs aren’t obligated to release patient medical records unless they have been summoned. Patient records can be dense and contain irrelevant information so GPs are sometimes advised to provide a targeted medical report in these circumstances.

In the case of medical negligence by a practitioner or health service, attempts to deny access to patient records on certain grounds may occur. 

Ensuring the best outcome on your medico-legal case

A medico-legal service can help ensure a fair and expedited outcome and assist professionals, such as lawyers in giving their clients the best chance of success in their cases.

An established medico-legal service like Red Health provides reports that offer:

  • history of incident or accident that led to the injury, illness or disability
  • timeframes or dates in chronological order to minimise confusion
  • details of medical investigations, diagnosis and treatment 
  • current symptoms, limitations and restrictions
  • discussion on the reviewed documentation 
  • details of the physical assessment including tests performed, clinical findings and measured data
  • details of the methodology used in assessing permanent impairment 
  • an opinion that is clear and easily recognisable by the reader
  • well explained responses to questions raised by the referring client
  • jargon-free content  
  • follow up to ensure progress and continuity
  • Post-assessment after care services such as expert witness requests and supplementary reports.

The Red Health Difference

The Red Health team have the expertise and dedication to help support the process of obtaining an independent medical opinion. 

Our Quality Assurance process helps the medical expert to give their opinion in an clear, concise and reliable way, and ensures that the relevant evidence is reported on in alignment to each referring party’s needs.

Utilising a Medico-legal service is an advantage as our medical experts are part of our network and understand that they are an integral part of the process.

Red Health is committed to making medico-legal cases as straightforward as possible while observing the highest levels of respect, confidentiality and security to your privacy.

Call us today to learn more about how we can assist your legal team.