How festive closures can affect your Medico-Legal case

The impact of office closures over Christmas can be significant for those who are in the process of a Medico-Legal claim. The breaks can mean that delays could be experienced; however, even during busy periods and holidays, the Red Health team will do everything possible to ensure your claim progresses as quickly as possible.  Remember – Our average turnaround for standard referrals is 10 business days!

A network of medical expert support

Our network of over 200+ medical experts reflects our strong medical sector relationships and long-standing medico-legal reputation.

Being so well connected means we’re more likely to find a suitable medical expert specifically for your case. If by chance someone isn’t available from our vast, professional network, we will do all we can to point you in the right direction to support you. That’s how we work. We are here for you.

Virtual options

Take your assessment anywhere with a virtual appointment with Red Connect. This means you can get the support and advice you need to assist your client. Our experts are all highly qualified and experienced, you can be sure you’re receiving high-standard service. A virtual assessment is a great option over the festive season to keep things moving.

Worry-free Medico-Legal experience 

Timeliness of reports is essential, and delays can cause disruptions and stress for all involved. If you are in the process of an independent medical examination, the Red Health team has your back.

We hope this helps put your mind at ease.

Our Frequently Ask Questions can also answer other questions you may have. 

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you are concerned about festive office closures affecting your claim.