Introducing Our Medical Attendance Statement (MAS) Service

A key step in any total and permanent disability claim is to obtain a medical attendance statement. 

A medical attendance statement is necessary as it provides vital information about an individual’s diagnosis, treatment, and the current status of their condition.

However, obtaining a MAS can be challenging, with several common issues regularly occurring that slow down or bring the process to a complete standstill.

The most common obstacles individuals encounter when seeking to have a MAS form completed by a treating practitioner include the following:

  • High costs
  • Lack of understanding of process (for practitioner and patient)
  • Refusal to complete (usually due to lack of understanding)
  • Confusion and unnecessary back and forth
  • Incomplete or incorrectly completed form/s
  • Long wait times
  • Living in under-resourced areas
  • Limitations due to ill health
  • Lack of a support network

Along with this, issues often arise with treating practitioners not having an in-depth understanding of the personal injury superannuation claims process, leading to a lack of clarity, delays and a great deal of back and forth. 

Ideally, an individual’s treating practitioner should complete a MAS form, but considering the points above, this isn’t always achievable. Thankfully, there is the alternative option of choosing an independent medical practitioner to complete the MAS.

Still, finding an independent practitioner with the relevant experience and understanding of the injury or illness claims process can be challenging.

We understand how all these obstacles can make obtaining a MAS a complicated and tiresome process. That’s not to mention the extra stress and strain it places on individuals that may already be living with a life-changing illness or injury.

At Red Health, we’ve worked hard to provide a solution that makes obtaining a completed MAS form an uncomplicated, efficient, and affordable experience. 

What is our Medical Attendance Statement (MAS) service? 

Red Health’s medical attendance statement service is a revolutionary approach to MAS reports and the first of its kind on the market. 

The service was designed to transform a complicated, tedious, and expensive process into a straightforward, uncomplicated, and hassle-free one.

With an approved MAS Medical Panel featuring hand-selected medical specialists, we ensure our clients have access to the highest quality independent practitioners who provide a speedy and reliable service. 

Our medical experts are carefully selected due to their professionalism and ability to understand the subtle differences between superannuation and mainstream personal injury claims.

With just a seven-day turnaround time, our industry-leading service saves our clients valuable time and money and provides them with peace of mind.

How does the medical attendance statement (MAS) service work?

The medical attendance statement is an easy process.

To begin the process, we assign a referral to one of the medical experts from our approved MAS Medical Panel. 

Our medical expert will carefully review all the medical files relating to an individual’s case before completing the MAS form, along with a short report, if requested. 

Suitable for psychological and physical assessments, the MAS service will assist an individual’s claim process for Total and Permanent Disability or Income Protection.

A MAS will generally include an independent medical opinion about an individual’s incapacity for employment, considering factors such as medications, treatments, and length of time the claimant has been unemployed. 

Our medical experts can complete multiple MAS forms if an individual has more than one superannuation policy.

Who will benefit from our medical attendance statement (MAS) service?

The medical attendance statement (MAS) service is the ideal solution for personal injury lawyers navigating a claim on behalf of their client for a TPD or Income Protection payment.

Red Health strives to make life as convenient as possible for injury lawyers and their clients by saving them from having to obtain a full independent medical assessment.

With an already-packed schedule, finding the right medical expert to carry out a reliable, independent medical assessment for an injury case can be time-consuming, not to mention the wait-time for appointments and significant costs involved

At Red Health, we believe in humanising the medico-legal experience for each client. We are proud to offer a reliable, punctual, and hassle-free MAS experience that helps personal injury lawyers reach claim outcomes faster for their clients.

Why should you refer Red Health?

At Red Health, we’ve spent the past decade offering clients an easy and friendly medico-legal experience. With a dedicated team, a wealth of experience, and a commitment to helping our customers, we’re here to guide our clients on their medico-legal journey.

As industry experts, we know how challenging it can be to find the right medical expert to carry out reliable, independent medical reporting. We also understand that our industry isn’t known for exceptional customer service… but we are!

From an independent medical examination (IME) to the newly-launched medical attendance statement (MAS) service – we’re continually finding new ways to make the medico-legal experience as simple as it should be whilst delivering effective outcomes.

At Red health, we’re proud to work with a network of medical specialists and allied health professionals that have been carefully selected so that we only offer clients the highest standard of care.

If you’d like to experience the Red Health difference, don’t hesitate – contact us today.